Has it been a short year or long year for you?
My year just seemed to whisk by.
Is that a good thing? I don't know.
So if we're still here next year, fat and happy, having fun in life, being here on the net making a few bucks, a few friends, and having a few laughs with each other ... then that's a good thing, right?
And if we're not still here, then we've moved on to another (better?) place.
So here's to a Wonderful 2008, where ever it takes us to enjoy it the most!
Did you know I can't ship Food to Canada from the U.S.? Weird.
Ok, I know I said that FastProfitPro is High Risk, and to be careful when spending your hard earned money there ... But I'm Lovin It! I've been getting my 20% daily without fail each day, and withdrawals are dam near instant! So Yes, I'm having fun there, am in profit, and can't find one thing to complain about.
Min. spend is $10 through either LibertyReserve or SolidTrustPay. Oh and they a link on their site where you can trade e-gold for Liberty if you want to.
Hang on one sec. I got a Cat here bugging me for attention. Doesn't he realize I'm trying to work? geeze
I noticed that 10DollarsWonder slowed down a bit when e2ePay was re-launched. Well that only makes sense. A lot of folks (including myself) advertise (play) in both programs. So of course when I earned more in e2ePay I put more of my efforts (and money) there.
Now at the end of the year, I believe Admin. will be enforcing a rule that is in the FAQ's (#4) in 10dw. The 'rule' will inactivate those who are not participating. So those of us who ARE participating will enjoy even MORE of those cycles than before.
If you're not playing in one or both ... you should be. Isn't that why you joined? To make some easy money?? (don't make me post "The Thinker" picture again :) Yes, it's going to be a good year!
Is Jimmy Sandell still MIA? I don't have the energy to go look.
Here's the program I joined last night in kind of a rush. (Don't ask my sponsor how many times I had to bug him during the process :)
I've logged in today and see that I've earned 5% from my surfing last night. I read the below in js's blog page this morning, so here's a little more info:
"Mrs. VIP is a well known Admin and Reviewer with high integrity. I've known of her for over a year now and respect her. Any programme that she launches is bound to succeed.
So here is that e-mail, read it and join, if you will. (But listen, if you can't afford both the subscription to the matrix and the surfing marketing packages? At least go for the matrix subscription and you will make money.) The Marketing packages are for surfing... just like in any other surf. And you can choose from three plans there. But first you will need to xfer money from your pay processor to a virtual wallet, then you can buy into the subscription and the marketing packages from that wallet. That's how it works. Ok, now go and read the below."
AND js says ...
"I've been conversing with another member of Mrs VIP and V-lane Traffic. My understanding is that this one is not a ponzi. I can't reveal more right now, but she will soon.
This is likely going to be a very nice ride. Too bad I ignored it when it launched! Oh well, destiny I guess. But it is not too late.
Now, you may be confused as to how to fund this one. It's easy. You first need to fund your Virtual Wallet, meaning an internal balance via any of the three processors that are supported. Once you have money there you can subscribe to the matrix and then to the surf programme. Simple as that.
And here are some step by step instructions as well as background info. All you need to get going! (But first you will have to register at the forum; use the Register link just below the sign in)."
More details can be found below in my (late last night) blog page about MrsVIP. I was a bit confused transferring funds from STP to a Virtual Wallet as I have never done that before. So with js's help I did get all signed-up as a Ruby, and purchased my first 'surfing' package. I'll keep you all updated on my progress.
Ok, I need to go do my surfing before I forget. Plus there are tons of things on this site that I didn't have a chance to investigate yet, so will do that now.
I'll be back if I think of anything else.
Happy New Years Eve !!!