"Hi T2 Member.
Just wanted to raise your awareness of an interview regarding 'behind the scenes' goings on at the T2-HQ.
The interview involve questions about my own personal background, the state of the business and what we are doing to make T2 the program of the future.
Blonies lounge is a great one-stop place to get the headsup on all the major 'goings on' in the industry.
You can find the interview HERE.
Yes, we are getting there slowely but surely. Total members are now 7000+ and a very high % of them are upgraded and active.
Just as a reminder, once we hit the magic number, registrations will be closed and we will be startiung to remove 'dormant' accounts!
This will involve a controlled removal of accounts that have had zero activity from the start, this will be staggered at the start with a number of maybe 100 a day being removed. Which will open the door for 100 new members to join up. All we ask is for you to be active, meaning either upgrade, or buy some DPs. Then your account is safe.
Our target is to hit 10K 'active' members by the end of Janurary.
To keep right up to date, please go and use the T2 forum at:
Have a great weekend.
T2 Staff."
Just wanted to raise your awareness of an interview regarding 'behind the scenes' goings on at the T2-HQ.
The interview involve questions about my own personal background, the state of the business and what we are doing to make T2 the program of the future.
Blonies lounge is a great one-stop place to get the headsup on all the major 'goings on' in the industry.
You can find the interview HERE.
Yes, we are getting there slowely but surely. Total members are now 7000+ and a very high % of them are upgraded and active.
Just as a reminder, once we hit the magic number, registrations will be closed and we will be startiung to remove 'dormant' accounts!
This will involve a controlled removal of accounts that have had zero activity from the start, this will be staggered at the start with a number of maybe 100 a day being removed. Which will open the door for 100 new members to join up. All we ask is for you to be active, meaning either upgrade, or buy some DPs. Then your account is safe.
Our target is to hit 10K 'active' members by the end of Janurary.
To keep right up to date, please go and use the T2 forum at:
Have a great weekend.
T2 Staff."
Well, Dave has sent me a very nice apology for his typo and said that he will mention the error in the next newsletter. This Admin has NOT been getting enough sleep lately so a little typo here and there is no big deal.
I thought it was sort of humorous myself, and you gotta have a sense of humor if you're gonna survive in this place.
Thanks again Dave for all you do and keep it coming... with or without the mustard :)
Hmmm I wanna tell you what happened yesterday but not sure where to start. Let me think on that for a bit and BRB
On Nov 28th I wrote a blog post with the subject line: Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due. I didn't get into the subject as much as I wanted to that day. I did speak of Carl Pearson and the things I learned from him a long time ago.Yesterday I got a good taste of what NOT to do in this business.
My friend and fellow blogger Greg forwarded me an email he got from a big list builder/promoter. It was an AD which included my Interview with the T2 Admin, copied word-for-word from my blog post on Dec 8th. This particular promoter did NOT mention where he got the info from, he did NOT mention who conducted the Interview, and to top it off... he removed the words "Blondie's Lounge" from question #1.
I about lost it. Was spittin nails for a few minutes until I realized, that particular Promoter is not worth it.
This guy has been promoting via email for years and is always trying to get in the back door any way he can. It's all about referral commissions to him and nothing else. I've seen him "in action" before and it's no wonder he has a rotten reputation now. Not sure how he manages to keep the readers he has. Maybe they just don't know who in this business can be trusted, so they continue getting his email Ad's. It boggles my mind.
So trying to nip it in the bud and knowing who one of his readers are, I wrote to that person who is also a blogger, (high profile actually) and explained to him what the real deal was.
He agreed that I should be given credit for the article and posted it today himself. Included my name and a link to my blog. Thank You Mr B :)
Now, all of the bloggers that I associate with are much like me. We don't steal from others, we give credit where credit is due, and we certainly would NOT remove pieces of an article before sending it to our List or our blog.
You know what happens if you don't play fair here? People will figure out who you really are and they'll move on. Folks in these online programs or games need someone they can trust, not someone who is there for them only until they get them hooked and can cash out their referral commission.
So as I always say ... play safe, play smart, don't bet the farm, once your money is spent - consider it gone, make plans on how to get your seed money back, don't get carried away (unless you really don't care about the money, hehe) and most importantly, choose the right sponsor/upline. There's plenty of us out here.
luv ya lots
Chill MM.
I'm working on it right now.
Go finish that blonie sandwich, I should be done by then.
Nice post Judy. You said what you had to say very tastefully as usual. Very admirable quality in a person:)
Awww Thanks Sam :)
Always a pleasure to see you here.
Happy Sunday!
Actually, that's kinda cool! Made me hungry for a sandwich, though!
Good thing you have a good sense of humor!
You have a great day, my friend!
Hey'ya Jim!
Just posted your yodeling cat for our Sunday laugh!
Am still giggling about that.
Yeah, hard to take a blonie sandwich seriously, LOL
Later Sweetie
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