Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year Everyone!

Image result for happy new year 2019 gif

May 2019 bring us all Happiness, Healthiness, Peace and Joy!

So what's new? 

I know I haven't written here since the end of October, but I didn't feel it was necessary since the two programs that I told you about have both been doing incredibly well :) 

Assuming you are a member of one or both of them, then you know that the status of both programs and our payments from Crypto300Club and ACX-Crypto have been flawless! 

I do use BitCoin for my spends in both, and even though BTC has seen a decline in value recently, my payments from the "Clubs" keep coming in like clockwork. 

So with that said...trying not to talk too much to bore you, lol 

Hope you all have a Wonderful New Years Eve and a Very Prosperous 2019!

Cheers :)


Gord said...

Happy New Year Blondie!

All the best in 2019

Anonymous said...

Very Very Happy New Year Blondie to you and your family and your followers. I never thought I'd go near Ad Click Xpress again, though I never cancelled my membership. But now I'm involved in both ACX Crypto and Crypto300, and it's great that they're doing so well, and hopefully will keep doing so for as long as possible.

I hope 2019 will be a good year for us all, Will.

blondie said...

Happy New Year to you both...
Gord and Will (Beaver I presume? lol)

Like you said Will, ACX and C300 are both doing great.
With those 2 running perfectly, I don't even feel the need to go out and look for anything else :)

Happy 2019