Wednesday, May 29, 2019

ACX-Crypto and Crypto300Club Update

* As of May 30th, C300Club 3% is no longer available. 
ACX-Crypto packs can still be purchased at 3% Daily.

* Later in the day, ACX also discontinued their 3% daily.
This will be offered again, so stay tuned :)

Just a quick note today to let you all know that 
ACX-Crypto and Crypto 300 Club are BOTH having 
a 3% Daily Premium Ad/Crypto promotion on Now! 

That's right, now you can make 3% per day
with ACX Crypto and Crypto300Club

3% per Day for Premium Ad/Cyrpto Packs!!!

- No Earnings Adjustments
- Earn 150% in 60 Days
- Only Available for a Few Hours

Of course I've already added some BTC to my accounts 
and have made my 3% purchases successfully.

Have a great day!
Cheers :) 

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