See yesterday's post for some tips on getting cycled as fast as possible. I currently have 15 active positions, so that part is covered for me, lol.
If you plan to play in the $10 or $40 lines today, don't wait till the last minute to check Your Positions. Be sure to have an Active position in the $8 (to play in the $10) or in the $30 (to play in the $40). Else you'll be scrambling when the count down clock hits zero, and we don't want that.
Also, there was quite a crowd sharing their experience in the MMG forum when this launched last week. You might want to visit there if you're in the mood to 'party' and see how others are doing once the cycler gets rolling.
OK, have fun, good luck, and remember it's just a game :)
NEWS: I have changed the max order, so more members can get in and get a chance to cycle,
before those who want to buy in large numbers get in.
So that its not going so long between each person cycling.
Rules fore the lines!!
1. 0 - 30 mins -> 3 spots max
2. 30 - 45 mins -> 10 spots max
3. 45 - 60 mins -> 25 spots max
4. 60 - 90 mins -> 50 spots max
5. 90 min - > 200 spots max
Later in the day ... a few bugs so I'll let Kent explain it to you:
Hi all.
Because of this script sometimes calculate wrong and give some members to much in earnings.
We need to go trough all accounts like last time.
We run the $10 line like normal.
Therefor the $40 will not be opened today, but tomorrow at the same time as schedule today!
We need this time to fix all accounts as there is a lot of calculation to be done here.
I guess i manage to fix them fast as i did last time, but i need Johnny to help me with this.
So Tomorrow at the same time as today, when the $40 line should open, we will open the line.
Am so sorry for this, but its just some bugs in this script who happens from time to time on some account.
A new counter will come up on the site for tomorrows line
Kent and Johnny
How did I do?
Well, it's been 2 hours since the $10 line launched. My first 3 spots cycled about as fast as I bought them. So 1/2 hour later, I bought 7 more. None of those have cycled yet but the day is young. I said that last week too and some of them did cycle shortly thereafter, so am just waiting a bit and thinking about if I'm going to play in the $40 line tomorrow or not.
JBP-JSS: purchased a few more Triplers, as planned. Still waiting to see something exciting if they ever get that dang Tripler Feed going. Oh it's OK. We still got 45 days till Christmas.
Hi Judy, pleased your doing well at KMM. I bought 1 $8 and 2 $30 spots when it opened, but still haven't cycled yet....guess ill just have to send in a support ticket.
Keep up the good work
Tell me your numbers first,
and we can compare to mine.
Position numbers. K
I did a blog post today just for you, lol
Thanks, your a gem
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