Just a quick word to remind you that sales of Dream Positions are not yet open for a few days.
You must first upgrade you account to get the maximum benefit from you DPs. If you buy DPs before you upgrade. they will NOT count towards a free $60 matrix position. This is very important, because if you buy them and then upgrade later, they will only pay 2% for 75 days and then expire. Members are still not understanding this. So we are making it clear.
You can also fund your main account in readiness for the start of DP sales, if you are already intending to buy DPs, we suggest that over then next few days, you go and fund your account. DO NOT leave it till the last minute, as there will be a lot of people on the site doing the same thing and you may not manage to make a smooth purchase.
1. Upgrade... Click 'Upgrade membership' and select payment processor, then follow the instructions.
2.Fund your account.... Click 'My Accounts'>Main Account, then enter amount you want to fund with, then choose from where you want to take funding from in the dropdown, and where you want to send it. Then click the deposit/withdraw button. Follow the instructions.
3. Buy DMs (when on sale in a few days). DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PURCHASE DPs UNTIL YOU RECEIVE AN EMAIL.
If you have any questions, then please go to the T2 FORUM, where there are many members who will be happy to give you some help.
Thank You
The T2 Team.
JBP-JSS: bought a few more Triplers just now and as for the feed, Fred said:
To our members from before the Restart, I apologize for more delays with the
JSS-Tripler --> JSS Feed. Problems have cropped up that needed to be fixed, and we need to be sure that it's done right. The Feed is now expected by early next week.
Okie dokie. Hey, it's a bonus anyway so not too concerned about it at this point.
KrazyMM: on hold for script fixes and then the $40 line will open. Guessing sometime later this week.
GBC: weekly profit share received and a little RC. Thanks Gord and members!

LOL... good Pic today Judy!
Reminds me of the old days and
listening to A Bill Cosby record
about buying his youngster a
$100 worth of Christmas gifts and
later... found him by the toilet
bowl... splash, splash.
CardBoard boxes... now that's fun!
It's all about imagination.
Kids can do SO MUCH with a cardboard box. Yet the toy is just the toy.
Cheers Gord!
Look at that innocent face! She couldn't have possibly done that...but I wonder who did?
Don't you just love their expressions!
Have a good week!
Yep, priceless! lol
Nice to see you Randy,
Have a good week yourself.
Uh-oh! There goes the toilet bandit! LOL! Awwwhhh, she's too cute for words! btw, I loved her Halloween costume.
As for T2, I had prematurely upgraded over a week ago when I was poking around the membership area. I guess I'd better double-check with admin to make sure I'm listed as upgraded. Thanks for the alert Blondie!
Yep, she's a keeper.
The Toilet Bandit, LOL
In T2, check the 'my financial transactions'. A lot of folks upgraded too soon but I think Dave has it all worked out.
Also if you go to Upgrade and you don't have any links to do it with, that's another sign that you already are.
Take care Gwen :)
PS Gwen,
you ARE showing as Upgraded.
ooo what a sweety your granddaughter : )
Yes she is, thanks 'a' :)
Oh what happened to my post? I commented on your beautiful grand-daughter a few days ago, Blondie, but am not surprised it didn't go through. When I clicked on my gmail something weird happened. It didn't seem right and obviously that;s the case since I don't see my post anywhere. Oh well, let's see if this one works. lol I;m not going through gmail.
And btw I said your g-daughter was too adorable with that innocent face!
Hi Tree and Thanks,
I do have to approve comments but I don't think I missed any. So yes, it must have been your fault, LOL
Anyway, I'm glad you came back to re-post. That was sweet of you.
And yes, she does look innocent! (cough cough)
See you in the forums :)
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