Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ground Hog Day

Feels like Ground Hog day around here (with reference to the movie).
Every day when I get up it's 66 degrees F.
By Noon it's 90F. By 3 PM it's 94F.
And no rain :(

Pnenow: The 2 items I mentioned yesterday are complete:

CompleteYour Upline's username will soon be is now showing in your member area.

Complete: Banners coming soon are available in your member area. (Thanks to Hula)

- If you registered under Admin (or any incorrect sponsor) by mistake, you can ask to re-assign it One Time Only by support ticket. Referral commission already issued cannot be reserved.

I did make another purchase today to check the STP error message and it's still there. Although my purchase does show up and my ad2m renewal also, it does take a little time so you need patience when looking for your purchased position. But I have a feeling that will be fixed soon :)

CenturionProfits: received another payment today but am still a little light on the re-purchase amount I was shooting for, but am getting there. Thanks Keith.

FortuneSteam: requested 2 more payments today and did a re-purchase also. Should receive that tomorrow.

AdClickXpress: made my first withdrawal request today from my newly migrated ClickPaid account. Hope it pays as fast as the original ACX does.

Original ACX: paid today in about 24 hours. Nice :)

My cat just brought a mouse in the house and dropped it in the kitchen. I had to move everything trying to get to it. And every time I moved something, it would run behind something else. Until finally, it found a place where I wasn't guarding, ran right past me and into a hole under one of the lower cupboards. Dang. Hope the little guy makes his way outside tonight. But someone remind me please... I have got to clean the kitchen, lol

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