Sunday, August 25, 2013


Feeling a little more like a human today (rather than a zombie) I'm happy to get back to work :)

ACX / ClickPaid account: Good News. As long as you use a different email address in your new ACX account, you can use the same pay processor ID's that are in your original ACX account.
I just tried adding mine and it worked!
As a matter of fact, I was so happy about it I decided to re-purchase another ad pack with earnings rather than wait for the $10 to cash out. But that's just me. You do whatever you feel is best.

Hey! You ClickPaid folks wanna put some URL's in the Traffic Exchange please!!! I tried to surf and got this:

There is no ads available now, please try again in some time.
You have viewed 0 ads today and you have total 0 reserved credit.

Oh nevermind. This explains it. I must have jumped in there right when they were taking the site down.

The Ad Click Xpress website is
Temporarily Unavailable and is Under Maintenance

Please check back later


FortuneSteam: my 12x12 expired today so I re-purchased into the daily plan using the principal from the term plan, then requested a cash out for the earning. Yeah I know, my actions are a bit risky but the daily plan is comfortable so I'm OK with my decision. FYI and good luck :)
- Paid again today and also re-spent a portion of my earnings. Man I could do this till the cows come home, lol


Niall E. said...

Glad you're feeling better today!
And thanks for the info on Clickpaid/ACX. I was waiting for clarification before migrating. I'm now migrated! Thanks Blondie, Will.

blondie said...

Thanks Will,
and glad I could be of assistance :)