Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Time Is Not On My Side

Been trying to get caught up and sit down to write all day. Unfortunately, life just gets in the way sometimes, so late post again today.

CenturionProfits: bought a few more shares via EgoPay. Had to send the funds directly to Admin since he's doing it manually for now. STP is working auto on the site, but not EgoPay yet.
Also sent him funds for my contribution to the Trailer/Mobile Home project in our Crowd Funding area. Feels good to be a part of that and brings back some memories of my own.

TheAdsBazaar: barely had time to squeeze in my activities for TAB, but it's done now. It doesn't take that long but for some reason, I just wasn't feeling it today.

AdHitProfits: surfed this morning and jotted down a few more cents earned.

AdClickXpress: upgraded myself to Silver membership just a few minutes ago. They say they're opening our Panel System early tomorrow AM my time. So I wanted to be ready to be able to play in that. Yeah, maybe I'm crazy but I did enjoy the Panel's back in the old JBP days. Sure would be nice to have them make a successful comeback, ya know?

RicanAdFunds: despite yesterday's news update, I haven't seen any payment proofs posted yet. Have you?

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