Fall weather comes up fast here in Colorado. Yesterday, at 3:00 PM our temperature was 74F (23C), then at 4:00 PM our temp was 52 (11C). Quite the wake up call that summer is just about gone. And yes, it's already snowing in the mountains.
Tomorrow the Crypto300Club will be exactly one month old and so far it's been flawless.
Sure would like to see it take the same path as ACX (wink).
Of course I continue to fund and buy Crypto Packs on a regular basis and I did receive another payment from them today. YaY!
About a year ago, after the MoneyMakerGroup Forum (MMG) shut down, I started looking around at other money making forums to see if there was any other place that I would 'fit in'.
I remembered that I joined TopGoldForum back in the day... March, 2009 to be exact. So OK, let me go see what's going on there now.
I did a "Search" for the ACX thread and found several.
Did you say Several?
Isn't there only supposed to be one thread per program in these forums?
Well yes there is.
So I became "active" again and started reporting all the problems I saw.
Poor Dennis, the Admin of TopGoldForum must have gotten overwhelmed with my reports and asked me if I would be interested in being a "Moderator" and could help clean up the ACX threads?
Well Yes I would!
So I dove in, head first, with everything I had, spent a good
2-1/2 weeks deleting, moving and merging threads and got the job done.
Now today, if you do visit (or join) the TopGoldForum, you will find me there, mostly in the ACX Crypto and Crypto300Club threads posting payment proofs just like everyone else.
So there ya have it, I didn't totally disappear, you just didn't know where to find me. lol
Now, I need to go cover my tomato plants so that they don't freeze tonight.
Have a great weekend!
Cheers :)
PS, go see my post from Oct 1st. It's been updated. Thanks