Tuesday, October 30, 2018

ACX Crypto Update

Howdy again :) 

It's turning out to be a great week after all.

Looks like ACX Crypto is now following the same path as Crypto300Club with it's 2% Daily for 60 days and thereafter 1% Daily with no expiry. 

They're also paying our withdraw requests in a shorter time than before. 

I've already bought a few new Ad Packs to get it growing again and loving the changes myself :) 

Hope you enjoy both of these programs as much as I do.


Rev Bro Jeffrey Bryant M Div said...

I appreciate your time Blonde, thanks for the welcome message.

blondie said...

And Thank YOU for reading it, lol
I don't believe everyone takes the time.

If you have any questions, plse contact me.
Cheers ;)