Monday, June 1, 2015

Bunnies and Squirrels and Ducks, Oh My!

We've had rain, rain and more rain here for the past month and I love it! Bought some flowers and veggie plants that I need to get outside and plant tomorrow. I should have done it a month ago but it's been just too cold overnight. Crossing my fingers that Jack Frost is gone for the season.

UTCycler is still on schedule to Launch on Friday, June 5th at 11:00 AM EST. I will be here for the launch but need to leave shortly thereafter. Have an appointment that I cannot miss.

Now you may think I'm crazy but I decided to put the ACX banner back on my side bar. Why? Well because they're doing fantastic right now so I don't see any reason why I shouldn't brag about them.
Currently earning 5% daily M-F (2-1/2% S-S)and payouts have been daily also. So what's not to like?

AssetOrder is right on track also. I've cashed out quite a bit already, instantly, but also did a little re-purchasing to keep it building.
Just couldn't resist this one and I'm really glad that I got involved.

Here's a few of my friends that always come by to entertain me. Between the peanuts and the gerbil food, they do seem to love my front yard, lol


Anonymous said...

haha..I've got some friends in my backyard too. Hope you've been well, and will chat soon ;)

blondie said...

Hey mm, good to see you!
and ummmm, what kind of friends do you have in your yard?
Chat soon :)