OK, I just joined SoloAdsXtreme. While trying to keep up with the generosity of the JoneS', I checked my pay processor accounts and decided to give away my birthday money to help others get into this program.So you can join for Free, then send me your username (so I can verify you've joined) and either your PayPal or Alert Pay email and I'll send you the $3 to go Pro. (send your info to blondiejudy@gmail.com)After you join for free, ignore the one-time offer to upgrade for $25, and the one-time offer to upgrade for $14. Then Log into your free member area and upgrade for the one-time $3 Pro. Make sense?IMPORTANT: I have enough funds to cover about 10 people today. So you may want to comment here if you decide to join so that others can see where I'm at with my Give-Away ... cause when it's gone, it's gone!UPDATE: I have enough to cover 8 more. First come, first serve. And Thanks Dee Dee. You know why :) See the site for all the cool advertising stuff you get, and I would also suggest creating a new gmail account for this one.*******
PAC Revenue Share just pre-launched.
I'll be right back with the details :)
OK, here's the note from the Admins. It's long but it's a good one! You know ... I've missed a lot of boats lately, but I am NOT missing this one!!!
Hello Everyone,We are finally ready to launch, well, Pre-Launch our Revenue Share Program. The Pre-Launch will be for 24 hours. Deposits will be enable tomorrow, Thursday, 16th at 9.00 am Server Time. We will be sharing 80% of all Revenues and 85% of all other Incomes. Please read this email in it's entirety.
After weeks and weeks of planning and gathering your feedback, we are ready to go!
PAC Revenue Share will be different from any other Revenue Share out there because of 3 Important Features.
1. There will be BOTH a Minimum and Maximum Cap on ROI. So Rebates will be Steady between 3% and 9% Daily.
2. Payouts will be Daily
3. No Compounding.
We also agree with many of you that there has to be a re-purchase level to stop 'Heavy Hitters' taking advantage of the system. So here it is.
You will be required to Re-Purchase at least 50% or more of your payout to earn 100% of the Rebates for the Current Day. If you don't, it's ok but you will be paid 50% of the Rebates.
Here is an example:
If your payout for today is $100, you will be required to Repurchase at least $50. At Midnight, when the Rebates have been calculated and the Rate is 9%, you will be paid 9% of your total AdPacks.
If you didn't Re-Purchase, you will be paid 4.5% of your AdPacks.
Once again, it is all very simple, thanks to our wonderful Programmer, all the Calculations are done by the Script and it's all easy and comfortable. All you have to do is make the decision.
We thank you all for your input. With the Revenue-Share Model, No Compounding and a reasonable Re-Purchase level, we have a really stable program that should last and last because we will always be paying out less than what is coming in.
Once again, we would like to thank you all for your support, this would not have been possible had it not been for the encouragement we got from the unwavering faith in many of our members. You will now reap the rewards.
Ok, this will be a brand new site, so you will all have to sign up again. We are offering 12% Refferal Commission on your downline's first deposit and 3% on all subsequent deposits. We have a 7-Day Test-Drive Period. In this period there will be 2 differences.
- The minimum will be $5, on the 24th of July it will be $50.
- You will be allowed to Withdraw to Cash Balance. After the 24th, this feature will be cancelled.
Here are the future main changes:
The minimum will raised to $100 after 6 weeks and $250 after 12 weeks and stay at that level for the lifetime of the Program.
The Maximum Deposit will be raised to $25,000 on Oct 16th.
There will be fees from August 16th. These will be paid quarterly.
- Basic Partner
Max Purchase Allowed $1000 - $25 Quarterly
- Associate Partner
Max Purchase Allowed $7500 - $75 Quarterly
- VIP Partner
Max Purchase Allowed $15000 -25000 - $150 Quarterly.
We will not be having Promos, but there will be other exciting offers, rewards and competitions.
The first one we are starting with:
One member will win 100% Matching Bonus of his or her Deposit! The winner will be announced on the 24th. IT will be one member, from either of the 4 PPs.
We will most like do this every week!
Here are the Main Features:
AdPacks Expire at 135%
Rebates 3-9%
12% Referral Bonus on Referral's first Deposit and 3% on all subsequent Deposits.
Daily, Fast Payout!
We would like to touch one one important thing now. We are actively pursuing other income streams. We will be sharing 85% of all these incomes. It is therefore important that we have your support in this regard.
You are of course you are under NO obligation to join these recommendations, and if you do, we are not to be held responsible or accountable for your dealings with them. WE do our best to comb through the countless offers we get and give you the ones that we feel will benefit you.
We will ask you to opt in for some of the Opportunities and for some, we will just send an email out to everyone.
3% of all deposits will go towards refunding PAC members, that goes without saying. We have been a bit busy with getting PAC Revenue Share ready so we are behind on refunds. We need your understanding on this. We will get on track.
That's enough for today, except that, we have to tell you, that in the coming few weeks, we are going to introduce something that will drive wild traffic to PAC Revenue Share. This has not been done by any other online program.
Get the word out..Your Success is Now Assured!
Kazzy and EL
P.S. During this pre-launch we will be updating and tweaking the site.