Saturday, December 5, 2009

Getting Closer

--- EPPXtra stats today:
Phase 1 ($25.00) $0.00 96 positions left
And I read that Ivan cycled phase 1, (yep, saw it in MMG this morning) Congrats!

--- EPP however is a lost hope with 9467 left. And did they really make the same mistakes with their second program as the first?!? Sheesh! Where are those girls? I'm about ready to duke it out with them.


Ivan said...

Thanks Judy. I was surprised to see that.

I bought my position 17 seconds before you. Hope you get yours soon. Best of luck.

blondie said...

Wow, 17 seconds.
Here it is Monday morning and I still have 71 left in front of me.
Dang :(
Thanks for the info.

Ivan said...

Yea. No problemo.

A lot of people purchased in the first seconds. So lesson learned for the future in the dealing with those.

js said...

I bought 7 minutes later due to the dollar sign, which Ivan then alerted me to. He said to put in a 1 instead of 25 and ignore the dollar sign! Well he was right.

Now am still over 100 positions left in cycling out of Phase I.

Oh well.

Life goes on, unless you die.


blondie said...

So will we ever get there js?
Hard to tell eh?
Am talking about the cycler, not life. har!