Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sun Day ... but not here

Been snowing since Thursday off and on.
So no Sun Day here today :(

1 - Martyn, saw your comment then I somehow lost it in cyberspace. Sorry about that. But I agree and I've put 10DW on the back burner also.

2 - If anyone has something to 'comment' about but signs in as "anonymous" ... at least have the courtesy to sign your name. Kapish?


Nice to see the "Team" growing at The Prosperity Game. I've been talking about it for a week now and it just keeps getting bigger and better.


Don't have much else to say today.
This coming week should be more fun though.

While surfing today I saw a blogger mention "year of the tiger", which made me think of "eye of the tiger", which then took my thoughts to "Year of the Cat". Isn't the mind weird? How something you see reminds you of something you heard 30+ years ago?


Curt said...

Does that mean the Detroit Tigers are going to win the World Series this year? Can always dream, lol.

blondie said...

Ahhh good thinking Curt!
Who knows eh?
Miracles do happen! lol