Thursday, March 3, 2011

Garfield Knows Best

This cartoon is dedicated to the person who stole my CC number. Would sure like to hear that he or she got caught and will get the ass burning they deserve!


Life is quiet here today so I might have to break down and do some house cleaning. Not my favorite thing and I'm sure it's not yours either. But somebody's gotta do it, right?



naphtali said...

I know how you feel and agree with you Judy. Someone stole my wallet last year and wreacked havoc on my CC's. I'm still feeling the effects of it. But the police tracked them down when they made a purchase on ebay thru paypal. Found out it was some teenagers. Hope everything works out for you.

blondie said...

That's the weird part Greg.
The card is still in my purse.
Someone some how got the number and used it as a CC rather than a debit card needing the PIN.
Am sorry to hear that it happened to you too.
Hope my stuff gets fixed fast, ya know?
Take care :)

Azlina A.H. said...

I had the same thing happen to me too last year. I still had my credit card and when I checked my monthly statement, I found 2 purchases of product/service on an Indian dating website! I changed my card and got the refund. It was less than USD100 though. So be careful when using credit card for purchases online!

D2A said...

You MUST read this about ad2million. Very smart guy!


Martyn said...

Crikey! That's gotta hurt. Sorry to hear that. The low lifes deserve everything they get when they get caught.

blondie said...

You know Azlina,
I can't remember the last time I used the CC for an online purchase. Years maybe. So that's what's puzzling. How they got the number.

Rob, yes that is a good sheet that was created for Ad2M. Thanks for reminding me of it :)

Hey Martyn, yep. Crooks everywhere. Such a shame eh?

Anonymous said...

Love the cartoon. Hope the crooks that stole you cc get caught and get what's coming to them

blondie said...

Thanks Theresa,

Me too :(