Monday, September 8, 2008

Feeling a bit rebellious today


Sometimes I just don't agree with what I read. So I start flapping my jaw about it and hope not to get myself in trouble.

After speaking my peace with another Admin of a cycler type of program, I decided to check into the CIF forum to see what was going on.

Read a good explanation of how Deep Cycler works. It was well written and made a lot of sense, except I must disagree with one part that I read.
She said that in any particular line: 2 buys in = 1 cycled out. Well, that's not 100% accurate, but I'm told it was written that way to 'simplify things'.
We should not forget about the Admin fee. And the Ref. Bonus that comes out of purchases made from outside money.

Here's a good example from my back office ...
16656 Starfish Reinvest Active 9/8/2008 5.00 $7.25

There is nothing wrong with what you see here. I just want everyone to understand that if you see numbers like that in your member area, don't freak out!! It just means your position is in the process of cycling. OK?

*UPDATE: that one cycled and since it was a $5, I bought a new $5 with it.

There is also a good write up on "Team Players" that I think you all should read if you're playing in this cycler or any other cycler of the same nature. (wink)

(PS, Notice I said playing. Never spend more than you can afford to lose.)


Watching TV to see what Hurricane Ike is doing. It's not looking good. So my best wishes go out to those in Florida and the entire Gulf Coast. Stay safe, we need you all!


Just bought 3 more positions in 10DollarsWonder, and made a little withdraw request at the same time.
I did get an email from the Admin, and will share it with you when it happens. We all know his time frames are not usually right-on, so I'll wait it out. Just remember this cycler/business falls into the same "Team Player" category. If you don't purchase or repurchase regularly, then don't complain if you're not cycling regularly either.


Old Days

You know, when I was in my teens, 20's and even 30's ...
I couldn't imagine myself ever using the term "Old Days".

My parents used to tell stories about things that happened 'back in the old days'.
But I had no old days. Yesterday was just yesterday and not nearly enough time had gone by to consider yesterday as an old day.

Today, I find myself using the term more and more often.
Is that sad? I don't think so.
Good memories? Always :))

So here's a song from 1975, a.k.a. the old days, called
"Old Days".
Thanks "Chicago" for your help in keeping me young at heart!


HermitJim said...

Hey Blondie...good morning to ya. I like your post and agree with your assesment of the cycling process in most cyclers. Common sense should tell folks that money in means money out...even I can understand that!

Good job

La Crona said...

One weakness that some cycler may have is that the flow of revenues should flow in from other advertising, so when the cycler slows down, the other flow of revenue is still there.This makes the chances of a long term program better.But if this shall work the members must do their part and promote the program or cycler as well, of course.

blondie said...

Hi Jim Thanks,
I would hope so :))

Hi Mattias,
Some cyclers have that extra revenue, and some do not. They depend solely on members.
So in the couple that I mentioned, our promotions are definitely a good thing!

Thanks you guys for visiting me today.

xox-Missi Mi-xox said...

Hi Blondie ... Its great we can remember the good old days and still feel young at heart. I may have only just recently hit the 30's in the last few years but I see we think very alike. I feel no older than I did at 16 ... and I hope that will never change.

Im still surprised how many people throw their money at programs without actually doing some research of what they are getting into.

Anyway, take care and have a great day. Looking forward to the bit from admin... sure wish he would fill me in on whats going on too, sent another email so heres hoping.