Friday, September 12, 2008

R.I.P. Stubby Girl

I had to make the heartbreaking decision today that since my oldest cat Stubby, who had been sick for a long time, and was not having fun any longer ... deserved to be at peace.

She was a very sweet girl and I already miss the "Hellos" that she would chant as she brought me all of those old socks.

R.I.P. Stubby
I love you lots!


Anonymous said...

Know exactly what you are going through. We've had to make that decision over the years for a much loved Golden Retriever ( Willow ), 2 Russian blue cats ( Dusky and Dusky 2 ), a Black Lab/German Shepherd cross [( Tahra ) her sister ( Sheena ) died of a heart attack in our arms 2 months later] and a wonderful 18 year old orange tabby cat ( TC ) that we got when he was 6 weeks old.
They were true members of the family, and parting with them was very difficult. But, in every case the decision was made with love and their best interests at heart.

Of course you will miss Stubby tremendously...but take solace in the fact that you did your best for him and put his needs and comfort first. That shows how important he was to you and how much you loved him.

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I referred to Stubby as a him instead of properly as a she. My error.

blondie said...

Thank You David :)
Yes we sure do love our critters, don't we?
It's always so difficult to say goodbye.
Appreciate your kind words.
Take care,

Cat Melton said...

Hey blondie,
I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to such a long time friend...I have a 14 year old Blue Russian, myself...God bless you for loving Stubby Girl like you did.
Prayers for you and also for Friend Jim.


blondie said...

Thanks so much Cat.
Stubby sure was a unique kitty.
I sure will miss her.

Anonymous said...

Blondie - AWWW !! I'm sorry.
Your friend Myrna

Manu said...

Blondie...i am sorry for your loss, now i understand when you said yesterday that you have a bad day. As hard as it was to make that decision, you can take comfort in it that it was best for her. Loss is always harder for the living than for the ones that moved on. I am sure you have many memories of her that will make you smile in the years to come.


blondie said...

Thanks friends for all the kind words yesterday.
I am feeling a bit better today knowing that Stubby isn't hurting any longer and she is at peace.
Bless you all,
Judy / blondie

js said...

I posted the below in my blog... feeling sad.

Ah shit! Stubby has died! That’s Blondie’s cat, to whom I sent Reiki twice, it did help, but it did not keep her alive. Dang. I guess it was recall time. Some human must have reincarnated and needed her as part of his or her desires to manifest. At least some think so. Is this over your head? It’s ok. Just know it was Stubby’s time. My condolences to Blondie.