Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Cow Came Home :)

We Did It !!! (well Pete did it (smile))

Everyone in Team Ca$h Cow was anxious for someone to be the 100th member in Traffic Rascal cause it meant a Bonus. And we're not talkin pennies here either. Well, read the news and see how cool this is!

Hey Gang!

Quick update about the contest at Traffic Rascal. You should have got the email about the 1 more to go for #100. Well guess who jumped on it and bought a spot under the next in line to take a chance? Your trusty admin, that's who! And it worked!

So congrats to gerry2345 as he should be receiving the $75 for the referral and we won $25 for the team spot!

$10 of that $25 is going to purchase a month of advertising on the main page of Traffic Rascal to hopefully generate some interest in our team. The balance will be going into what I am calling a "Fund Corral". Extra funds generated by this and future team spots will be collected here and then used to buy additional spots under the next in line. But I will elaborate more on this later as I am writing this update on the fly and don't have much time to explain it all right now.

As you can see we are evolving and improving, and I 'm trying to do what is best for us as a Team. Keep doing what you are doing folks, and we will get where we need to be :-)

Pete-TCC Admin

p.s. Tell your friends about what's happening here. Everyone is always looking for something good!

So there you have it.
And if you've noticed ... I'm not promoting much else these days.
Why? Cause it's hard to trust anyone on the net that you don't know personally. Am I right?
There's just way too many scammers, hackers and thieves out there. (reminds me of a song)
At least we know with Team Ca$h Cow, that Pete has "clean hands" and will always be there for us. (Unless he dies before me, which I highly doubt) LOL


Oh I did buy a new spot in RockSolidFund today. It's been doing just fine and I have no problems with Tony now that all the drama of the programmer hacker is over with. Sheesh!


OK here's the song.
Send the little ones out of the room.
And don't say I didn't warn you!
*On 2nd thought, maybe this is the clean version.
He does say "Lovers, Muggers and Thieves" right?
Well, those who were around back then know what I'm talkin about. (grin)


Randy V said...

Great song Judy!

I remember it well. When the Red Sox were on top a few years ago, they brought it back like a theme song. Remember!

Hope you are doing well! I read your blog every day...just no comments sometimes.

Have a great week!


blondie said...

Hey Randy,
Can't say I do remember but you know what happens to old brains, right? LOL
Thanks for stopping by.
Even if you don't always talk.
Later :)