Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Colder Than a Witches ..... what?

Without bothering to look this up in Celsius ... it was 66 degrees F here on Saturday and -13 here this morning. Currently 4 degrees. Even the Schools are closed today cause they don't want the kids waiting at the bus stops in this freezing ass weather. Brrrrrr

Yes I missed writing yesterday. Did you really miss me? LOL
But you know, sometimes when there's no fires to put out I just get lazy and take some time to myself. You know, think things through and whatever.


--- Waiting for couple more dollars in SynergyMoney earnings to buy another spot. Oh and I received a payment from there yesterday. Thanks Ivan and members.
And do you realize on the 10th we'll be 3 months running already? Wow! Good stuff Maynard, LOL

--- Got Paid from Ad2Million this morning. A nice chunk of change if I do say so myself. (remind me to write a long blog post about teamwork one of these days, ok?)
PS, just received a very nice $70 RC from one of my referrals. Now that's the way to start this bitter cold month of February. Thanks much to whoever bought in fresh. Yep, we're lovin it!

--- GBC is rolling along, perfect as always. Gord... thumbs up.
Jan 31 news:
Congratulations to members Regency and Dbmyatt for winning $40 Board positions in the latest PIF draw. And I think I read 'blondie' is coming up for another payment soon also ;)

--- Almost forgot to surf over at Mcfads. Whoops. If you don't surf, you don't earn. But it's all on "auto". Piece of cake. Thanks Matt for taking care of business for us.

OK so now you see why I haven't updated.
Everything is fine and running just like it should be :)

Wow, I need to find someone to call an Idiot before I bust, LOL



celticboy said...

you can call me an idiot if you want, thanks for taking the time to issue a new post ha

blondie said...

No, am not gonna call you an Idiot, LOL
And thanks for the nudge to get a post out there.
Didn't realize I was missed so much, hehe