Why do you say that blondie?
Well, I join all these programs to make money, which I normally do. Then I find myself hesitating when it comes time to withdraw from the programs that I really care about.
Now I know others are taking money out left and right. Some are even raping these programs with their bad HAR habits. Still I find my fingers getting stuck sometimes before pushing that withdraw button.
Yep, I'm an odd duck.
But you know what? The tires on my old Jeep are about 10 years old, going bald and flat. So what can I do? I need new tires. So it's withdrawal day for me. A ducks gotta do what a ducks gotta do. Right?
--- SynergyMoney is doing great. Yep, I just placed a couple of small withdrawals with Ivan a few minutes ago. For the most part, I've been re-purchasing with my daily earnings with hopes of growing my account. And it's been working fine so far. Yes, this IS one of the programs that I really care about.
--- Ad2Million ... also placed a w/d request there today. Yesterday I repurchased 5 positions and another 5 today. So even though I take a little for myself, I'm also helping the program continue to grow. Although with almost 4800 members, looks like everyone is doing their fair share of promoting this. Thanks you guys! You're the best!!
--- GBC - Easy40Plan ... here's another one where I just can't bring myself to push that withdraw button. Seems like whenever I see a few bucks in my account balance, I start thinking about how to re-spend it. And you know Gord is always happy to help with that, LOL. But hey, he doesn't take anything for running the K-Game for us. He does it because he enjoys helping others make money on the net. Cool guy huh?
--- Mcfads ... yeah yeah I know I wrote about it last night. I'm not doing the 12 x 12 dealy bob. Couple of reasons: 1) don't enough LR in my account to play, minimum is $25, and 2) it's just too high risk right now. People know Matt is honest and they will HAR it. Sad but true. And if I'm wrong, I'll eat my hat. (would somebody send me a hat please? I don't own one. Oh wait, I do have a Hoodie. I guess that will work if need be)
How am I doing Brian? Am I keeping you busy reading? LOL
Brian put a note in our Ad2M thread in MMG the other day about me not updating my blog. Silly guy. Got me on my toes though and I ended up writing quite a bit that night. Guess sometimes I just need a push. Thanks Brian and hope you get well soon :)
And it's Snowing again! Argh!
Shoveled the walks yesterday and thought I was gonna die. The air was sooooo frickin cold I thought my lungs were gonna collapse. Well, supposed to be at the freezing point here today and much warmer tomorrow. Can't wait.
Hey Judy;
I guess I am an odd duck too! I leave my money in and sometimes its good and sometimes its not. Remember some of the good ones we have had in the past that we left the money in TOO long...and when they went bye bye...so did our money. Wish I could see in the future sometimes and know when to move. I guess its like the Kenny Rogers song..The Gambler.
Enjoy your snow!
Randy V
Yeah it's all a gamble BUT when I know personally who's running these programs, and I know they're doing everything right to keep them alive and well ... that's when I have trouble with the w/d button.
Guess I take pride in what I promote.
Anyway, snow is melting today and tomorrow. Nicer weather coming. YaY!
PS, sure I remember the old days too. I was way too trusting then. Live and learn eh? LOL
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