Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Early Bird Today

Yes I always keep my promises. This is from yesterday:

I'll post this today and then again tomorrow (since it's late).

Looked for 9planetreview's blog earlier and couldn't find it. Nor could I get a hold of John by email so ... I finally reached him and he asked me to tell you all the following:

"Judy, can you mention in your blog that a) am on the road tomorrow, no updates and b) by Thursday my new address will have resolved. I had to move hosting companies due to poor support at my main one. Thanks much!"

So there you have it ... har!"


As of Tuesday night, 11-18 I have received ANOTHER 13 emails from WorkFor3Dollars telling me I've got more downline! How cool is that??
Plus I received an Alert Pay payment from them yesterday as well.

Date: November, 18 2008 6:32:19 PM
Amount Sent: $12.74 USD
Sender Name: RefBackSystem
Sender Email:
Message: WorkFor3Dollars Commission blondie - Don't forget to spread the word about WF3D!

Yes I know it's not much, but remember this is only $3 bucks to get started. Works for me :))


Got PAID right on time from FastProfitSurf while I slept. It was referral comm's this time, so THANKS you Guys very much! I appreciate you all :))
Personally, I am "just lovin it" ... more than McDonalds! ha!

Oh and here's a very interesting note:

Q: Maybe somebody knows:
in order to get the 150% (145%+bonus) do we have to upgrade $501+ in one sum or does it count if we have several upgrades totalling more than $500 ?

A: Yes, once you have a total of more than $501, you are a "platinum" member. And once you make another upgrade, regardless if it less than $501, it will be %150.

Q: So if someone put in $500 not realizing about the higher %, they can make a new purchase for $10 and then the old 500 one will start receiving a little more each day??

A: Yup that is absolutely right blondie. Its the total deposits not any one single deposit.

WhooHooo is all I can say!


And a reminder of the NEW Surf Site, 12DailyClub. It's only been open a couple of days and things are lookin really good from where I sit, (and I've got a pretty good seat :)
It's a 12% x 12days surf, but for purchases $700 or more, it's then a 12.5% ROI daily. Not bad eh?


I just opened the door to let the sun in and it just about blinded me!! Dang that's bright first thing in the morning! Makes me feel like a mole, hahaha


Well lookie there!

Could that be "Cash Cows" in my yard? (hehe Austin)

Austin and I were just chatting about cash cows yesterday, so I couldn't resist taking the pic when I saw these cute 'little' gals out there.


Done checking on 10DollarsWonder and it's still doing wonderful! My cycling averages 6 out of 7 days. And every time I purchase, re-purchase or withdrawal ... my account grows! It's Awesome!!



La Crona said...

Hi Blondie!

I got a response from my latest member in 10Dollars today who was thankful for my welcome message to her.She told me it was the first welcome message from a sponsor by email.She is my 71:th member there.

blondie said...

Good for you Mattias!
I'm glad you have the time to do that.
I have done it in the past (before my blog) but hardly anyone ever answered me OR they told me to stop spamming :(
So hopefully, those who join me now, know that they can find me here if they need help.