Twentyby30: I need to clarify something today but I would rather wait for the new write-up on the site.
It is in regards to those 5 redeemable positions.
You'll see once it's posted by Admin and myself.
(Still waiting but I'll give you a hint:
You cannot claim (redeem) 5 old positions daily.
What shows in your member area is the Total number of positions that can be claimed. It may be 1, 2 or 5 for example, but I'll let Admin explain the rest once it's posted.)
ATBVenture: we are growing which is always good to hear. I won't be paying another weekly subscription until Monday so I suppose I can relax for awhile now (except for promoting) lol
Tueps: tonight is our last night for cycling then we take the weekend off.
Yes I joined a new high risk program yesterday and the banner is posted here on the side. It's called OilRigContractors and the only reason I joined was because of what my upline told me. (sorry, but it was a secret ;)
My friend mentioned to me this morning that OPI's emails are getting annoying. Can't argue with that.
ClickDraw Award Winners Are Real:
Yes we're real alright but I'm not so sure about ACX!
Have you wondered who gets the ClickDraw Awards each
week? Well you can read their names on the link below.
One of those names were: Judy M... that's ME!
Every week three lucky ACX Members who purchased
ClickDraw Packs are selected to share 50% of the revenue
contributed for that week.
Well you know what... I won Three Weeks ago and am
getting sick and tired of asking for my Winnings!!
Ignored by top admin, ignored via support tickets.
It should NOT take three weeks to get a response and/or
actually be PAID from the draw.
Chop Chop ACX, either pay up or disappear. But these
constant rah rah emails of yours are making me sick.
Why don't you put yourself in my shoes and see how
exciting this really is? (roll eyes)