Saturday, July 28, 2012

Here Today, Gone Later, Back Tonight

Going to be out this afternoon and evening, doing a little baby sitting for my beautiful grand daughter. But once she falls asleep, I can get back online and read up on what I've missed.

JBP-JSS-Tripler: just listened to Frederick's last recorded call. He mentioned two things that made my ears perk up.

1) to help alleviate the pay processor challenges, when you go to request your withdrawal, you may still see the "reached the daily limit" notice. But it will also put you in a queue to receive your payment in the 'order it was received'.
So although you won't get it tomorrow (for instance), at least you'll be on the waiting list and won't have to keep checking the site 24/7 for the Open time.
*He said that will happen sometime after the Restart.

2) when they release their newer programs, you will retain your referrals (if you have any) for the new programs assuming you are involved also. If you are not going to be involved, your referrals will be placed under your upline if they are a paying member. If not, it'll look up again for the next person involved.
That all sounds good to me.

I'm gonna skip right to WhirlWind:
this mornings stats:
spent on subs: $58.00
earned on grids: $54.35
Looks like it's slowing down which can only be expected considering the type of program it is. I'm just surprised that joining as early as I did, that I'm not further ahead. Well I suppose those "pre-launch" members who got in before me (us) are the ones doing better. It's OK, and things may pick up, hard to tell at this point.

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