Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday and ...

Nice to see the Admin's using their RAF Official News Wire blog and below is what was posted: (but I expect you all to start checking there yourself in the near future :)

DDOS Protection on RAF
written by Russell ISMmagic, February 10, 2013

Following the server downtime yesterday the following action has been taken.

1. The DDOS protection / security setting at "CloudFlare" has been raised to the highest possible level and will remain there.

2. "CloudFlare" will challenge you if
a) It thinks your PC (internet access device) is infected with a virus or malware.
b) Your PC (internet access device) appears to behave like a "Botnet Zombie"
c) the IP address you are using has "Web Spammer" reputation or is in IP range where "Web Spammers" are prevalent.

You will be asked to complete "Captcha Code Form", failure to do so will result in your IP address being blocked and you will need to contact support for it to be unblocked.

So there you go.
I personally can't log in yet but will wait it out. Probably still propagating would be my guess.

Server Dowtime
written by Russell ISMmagic, February 10, 2013 

The repurchase option combined with one of the tables is causing server overload.

The table is being re-structured and auto approval of purchases effectively switched off.

Both of these issues will be sort by the Feb Phase 2 update this week. In the meanwhile am trying to get the server re-booted.

And I was able to log in. Jotted my numbers down and logged out.
That's all I needed to do today anyway.
Thanks R & R !! 


Sol-R Energy: while waiting on RAF and ismAI, decided to go check my account at Sol-R and do my daily cash out. Bingo! Paid :)

Because I was asked about these two programs, decided to share the site stats first:

Online Days:178 days 
Paid :$930 962.24
Purchases :$757 820.00
Users Online :32
Active Units:75782

Online Days: 138 days
Total Members: 27965
Total Paid: $4 973 687.72
Users Online: 167
Purchases: $6 535 605.00

Now both of these programs have been top notch.
I joined ismAdsIncome first because it was the first launched. Then 40 days later, RAF came into the picture.

From the stats, you can clearly see which one members seem to prefer. So I'm not saying that one is better than the other, or that one will last longer than the other. Stat's speak for themselves.

And since they're both run by the same two Admin, feels like a win-win no matter which you choose.
As for me, they've both been great, but I do have more interest (and funds) in RAF. But that's just me. I'm sure you can make up your own mind :)

(ps, that was a long reply to the comment posted)
(pps, I always give my honest opinion, or I don't say anything)


Brad Tramell said...

Hey again :) I was thinking about throwing 300$ in adsincome and 300$ in rican ad funds, The way these two have been looking, I have figured it to be a pretty solid investment :)I was hoping to get your honest opinion how you feel about these two :)

blondie said...

Honest opinion posted.
I feel great about them both :)

Brad Tramell said...

Thanks for your honest reply :D I have been earning alright money with adsincome for the last 4 months, haven't even tried RicanAdFunds yet lol but have heard from you and many, many others that it is great :) I'm gonna split 300 into both, adsincome and adfunds and see what happens :D Thanks again, love the information you share daily, I come here everyday to see whats happenin, so thank you very much!