Rather than my usual chat today, thought I'd post this note in it's entirety. Below is the Alert that js sent out yesterday which really touched me. I did send Paula some help and hope you would consider doing so as well. Thanks to Everyone!!!
"Judy? js here. We should help Paula.
Please read her e-mail to me. Any amount will help. One buck, two, five, ten, five grand? In any case... she's been a long reader/member of my blog. So I know her. She's not a scammer. See what you can do, ok? A few bucks amongst many sure does add up and will help.
Here are her various payment processor accounts, do what you are able.
"Hi JS,
paypal is
suptabiz@yahoo.com, alertpay is
suptabiz@yahoo.comand solidtrustpay is
In all of them make a note: for Paula York Fund
Here's her e-mail to me of today:
John Stankiewicz
I don't know how to do this. I am in trouble and have exhausted all other resources. I really need help fast, I will be evicted soon and I have nowhere to go except the street and I have a houseful of furniture. The water has been turned off and the gas is next. My only saving grace is a beautiful landlord who is trusting me to get a job soon and pay him. He is truly great as I am already 2 months behind. The dept of social services gave me food stamps and paid my electric bill so I can cook. If the water stays off too long, the city will condemn my home and I will have to leave.
How did all of this occur? I had to move to my mother's home to care for her, about 9 years ago. At the time, I had 2 good jobs. She had diabetes and dementia at age 77. Five years ago, she was diagnosed with full blown alzheimer's. I had to leave my jobs so much that I stopped working. When I started paying her bills I found that she had messed things up badly. I used my entire 401k to pay her debts. Being on her fixed income was ok and we got all the bills paid on time (which is why my landlord is trusting me to pay him. He said that I always kept my word to him in the past). She died this past halloween unexpectedly with no life insurance and no estate.
I started my job search in November. The thing I forgot was that I am 57. In the past, I usually got whatever job I went after. My resume is 9 years old and I may as well not have one. I am still actively looking for work.
All of my living room furniture is up for sale online at Kijiji along with other household items. No takers as yet.
I am begging for help. If you would ask your blog readers for assistance in this it would go a long way to getting me out of trouble and keep me from being another bag lady on the street. $5, $10 or more per person adds up quickly. They can send it to you and you could pay the bills. I would never have to see the money. I will send you whatever proof needed; bills, death certificate, a letter from my landlord. Whatever is required.
Please don't turn me down. As you can see, I am desperate.Thankyou.
Paula York
And here's a follow-up note John received from Paula ...
"Judy? js again.
Listen, if you donated to Paula York via STP? Please send here a note so that she can grab your e-mail address so that she can thank you. Her e-mail addy is:
suptabiz@yahoo.comShe sent me the following e-mail this morning:
Good morning, JS! Isn't it a wonderful morning? The sun is shining, birds are singing and the world is lovely!! I slept last night for the first time in weeks and my stomach cramps have ceased. You are a wonderful person, JS and the blessings will come back to you, you'll see.
A lot of folks sent lovely letters of encouragement and many good ideas; along with friendship. I thanked everyone I could reach except the solidtrustpay donaters. I do not have their email addresses only their usernames. I will contact solidtrust and ask them how I can contact them.
So far, the donations come to $447. That almost takes care of the water ($520.55). If you are not too busy, can you send out another alert so I can try to cover the back rent, if possible? The donations came in all at once, almost, last night, but have ceased as of early this morning, so many may not have been reached. I know this is a lot of work for you, as you have your blog to run.
With heartfelt appreciation
Paula York