Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Just Hangin Out

Me and big bird are patiently waiting for our Thanksgiving here tomorrow in the USA. Am thawing my turkey in cold water today. No ... not big bird. Just a regular store bought frozen turkey. I chose the one without a name or a face, LOL

Seems like a quiet day today so I'm doing some surfing at the local surf and TE sites. Need to get SynergyMoney and a few other things out there to be seen.
Which reminds me, Ivan is trying out a new Chat Box on the SM site. Go check it out if you like. I helped to test it earlier today already.

So I'll be around if anything earth shattering comes up. If not, I'll just sit quiet and continue doing what I'm doing.



Randy V said...

Hey Judy!

Have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy your bird...not Big Bird! I have a good old stomach virus today so my turkey will have to wait until Friday. What horrible timing..huh?

Have a great day with your family.


blondie said...

Hey Randy,
Nothin better than TG leftovers anyway.
It's always just as good the next day :)

Hope you're feeling better soon.
Quiet TG here. My Son and his wife are in CA this year spending it with her family. First time w/o them.

TTUL and Have a good Thanksgiving!
(or the next day)

danish said...

Hi Judy,
It's a little hard to celibrate these special dates without our kids around isn't it. But sharing is an important part of family life. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. You'll be able to look forward to next year with them, but I'm sure they are with you this year in Love and Spirit.


blondie said...

Oh yes, thanks Dave :)
Son just called me from the airport and said he'll call again tomorrow. It's all good.
Sure will be different this year though. Ya know?
Thanks for the visit, as always.

HermitJim said...

I hope you have a wonderful holiday, sweetie!

I'll be thinking of you this Thanksgiving! Be safe!

blondie said...

Thanks Jim,

You have a wonderful Holiday yourself :)

Need to get my turkey ready for the oven soon. Just a small one so won't take too long.

Enjoy your day!!