Saturday, May 1, 2010

Curiosity Killed the Cat

Curiosity killed the cat is a proverb used to warn against being too curious lest one come to harm.

Curiosity killed the cat means:

Mind your own business. Being nosy and getting yourself involved in unnecessary things can lead to problems.


That would be me poking my nose into XanaduRiches after I had already convinced myself that I wasn't going to play another "round".

Today is day 13 for me, the last day of my first round and I've made a little bit of profit, so what the hell. Might as well put some back in the pot, get the 6$ bonus*, stir it up and see what happens. Kind of like a 'nosy' witches brew, you know?
*The 6$ bonus ends at midnight EST tonight. Any purchases made since the 28th through today are eligible for a free 6$ upgrade.


Checked my account at Hydro-Funds, made a new spend, requested a cash out, went to the store, came home and was PAID already! Thanks Kevan and all the members for keeping this one very active.


I think we will be getting an update from Pete regarding Team Cash Cow before the weekend is over. Keep an eye out for it if you're a member. And if not, you might be interested anyway. I'll share once I know the "real deal".


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