Friday, March 30, 2012

Check Your Links

Compound150: finally got to the bottom of this last night. Seems that yesterday morning there was a time frame where our referral links in our dashboard were incorrect. And unlucky me... that's the time I copied my link to promote.
Per Dave: It was only the 90 minutes between 8.45 and 10.14 EST and then it is only if you took the link from your dashboard between those times... any link taken outside those times is correct, so last night is fine.
The links on the banners pages were not affected.
I suggested he send out an update about that problem but I don't see anything from C150 yet today. So please DO check your own links before adding them to TE's, surf sites, etc. As mentioned yesterday, there must be an underscore after 'ref'. Note the correct way:
Alright, I'm putting that to bed now. Tomorrow evening is when we will be able to start buying DP's in C150.
I've read this more than once and I agree that the 1% daily for 150 days does remind me of the old Studio Traffic or DadnDaves. Don't think I made any profit in either one of those SO hope to change my luck this time around, LOL
PS, you can check your upline by logging into C150 then click on the Referrals tab on the left side or Referral Tracking in the dashboard.

JBP-JSS-Tripler: had trouble earlier trying to log into JBP because the Captcha Code wasn't working. Looks like it's back up and running now. Also my new matrices are finally showing in my list after being delayed a few days. So I'm gonna scoot over there and fill them up with placements and premiums. Still don't see the Platinum yet. Hmmm Carl did say this week but who knows?
PS, the 2% daily earnings are running later than the norm today. Personally I'm not the least bit concerned about it :)

T2MoneyKlub: you've got today and tomorrow to get those "tasks" done in order to earn the max of 2% daily for next months profit.

GBC: tomorrow we should receive our weekly profit share. If not tomorrow, then Sunday for sure. Gord has split them up so that he's not tied down with it an entire day. I don't blame him.

aDailyCash: everything seems to be back to normal there. Logged in with no problem. Checked my account etc. Tomorrow or the next day I'll have enough to purchase more spots from profit. received 1.74% today and 1.64% yesterday. Don't forget to check out the "Interview" with the Mint Admin. The link to that is posted in yesterday's ramblings.

Oh hey, the wind died down yesterday afternoon so I got my back lawn fertilized and watered. Today am working on the front yard.
I like yard work in the Spring, before it gets too hot.

Here's some good information sent to me today. I knew about this a while ago and my debit card does have aluminum foil around it now. Thanks James for sending the video about it.

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