Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sometimes ...

the hardest part of blogging is getting started.

JBP-JSS-Tripler: heard Dominick say that according to Carl, the Platinum's in the JSS area will be released this coming week! Good news if it happens, lol

T2MoneyKlub: looks like our list of "tasks" have disappeared in our member area, but I'm sure they'll be back soon. Either that or Dave has a new plan for us.

- Update: the comment limit on each site was maxed, so that's why they were removed. For those who didn't complete their tasks yet ... more info to follow later on.
-- Just Arrived...T2 Update:
Hi T2MK Members.
I hate sending updates out.... It's BORING!! 
But I only do it because YOU need to read it.
If you were to read ANY email from us, I suggest you read this one... If you don't and end up losing money, then we can't help you.
At the moment, 1400 members will lose money because they chose to ignore these very important updates.
T2MK Staff.

GBC: received my weekend profit share already. Thanks Gord!

aDailyCash: checking my cash/withdraw history, I believe we got credit for March 22nd after all. And Thanks to a few referrals, plus my own earnings, I have enough money in my balance to buy more spots, which I just did.

Mint: got to 2.5% for last nights earnings in the $14.99 plan. YaY! Feeling better about the mint so decided to purchase another position today myself. Thanks to those who joined under me as well :)

ShowBizHits: today's promo code is worth 250 banner impressions. Enter the code, surf 25 and then go assign your favorite program banners.

Maybe I'm quiet today because the roofer guy talked so much yesterday. I'm not used to talking that much during the day to another human being, LOL. And then, as he was leaving, I made the mistake of mentioning the Bronco's stickers on his truck ... OMG, that started another 15 minutes of him chatting.
In any case, my shingles are replaced and the entire roof is 'sealed' now. There was crew of 8 who came out and checked every single shingle and glued the ones that were not tight. OK, bring on the rain now!!!

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