Monday, June 20, 2011

JBP Daily Web Conferences

--- Well that was kinda fun :)

I was up early today and noticed the JBP Daily Web Conference starting soon. I had never joined in on it before so today I was the 'newbie' in the room. I did ask a couple of questions and Carl Pearson was nice enough to personally Welcome me when he noticed I was there. Yeah ... he and I have both been around a long time so it was definitely nice to hear him say a personal 'Hello' to me.

During the call, he mentioned something that reminded me a lot of a conversation I had with John (js) several years ago that went something like:

Me: How did you make so make money in that program?
JS: I spent a lot of money to start.
Me: But I don't have a lot of money.
JS: Then you need referrals - downline to help.
Me: OK so I either need to spend a lot to make a lot, or build up a good downline for now and the future.
JS: Exactly...promote it, tell your friends about it, and definitely start a blog.

So that's what I did, started my blog back in 2007.

Now, JS did both. When there was something he really liked, he did spend a lot of money on it PLUS he promoted it through his own blog. And from what I remember, he usually make out real damn good.

What really surprised me (on the conference) was that Carl mentioned he doesn't have any Tripler positions himself. He does have about 40 downline members and he also plays consistently in the JSS Booster and Warp programs. By doing that, he's earning between 1,000 and 1,500 per week. What?!? That's just crazy money!!!

He also mentioned, if you have money to spend, spend it on advertising because you can make a lot more from downline than you can on your own.

So bottom line is that you don't have to spend a lot to make a lot. You can make a decent amount from downline and use that to build up your own Tripler positions, play in the Booster or Warp, or just withdraw it. Now, if you don't have or can't get referrals, of course you would need to spend money then. I've done both with the JBP programs and it's worked out great for me. 
Thank You to everyone who's followed me there so far :)

--- GBC: received my Sunday profit share as always! TY Gord.

--- GlobalSurfPro: smooth fast surfing today.

--- McFads
: has changed the cash out timing again. It's now 1-45 business days. Geez Matt, this is starting to remind me of ad2million :o 
My newest purchase will expire today or tomorrow. That's the one I bought to cover the pending so I could get paid. I won't do anything else there until that first pending is in my pocket.
** And here it is. I wrote the above, ate lunch, came back, and noticed my payment was received! Thank you Matthew. Will post in the forum now. 


Randy V said...

Hey Judy.

Why does the name Carl Pearson sound familiar to me?

Just got back from a golfing week in Kentucky. It was great and played over 100 holes of golf in a couple of days.

Have a great week!


blondie said...


you ARE joking with me right? Either that or you got too much Sunshine on your brain this past week.

Glad to hear you had a great time!
But 100 holes of Golf?
You must be pooped!!

Randy V said...

I remember the good old days with Carl...or I guess they were good. It was a fun time with all the programs.

I can't blame it on the sun...I think age has something to do with it.

I am tired but I would do it again this week if I could.

Have a good week!


blondie said...

Yes Randy, we did have fun with the programs that Carl did way back when.
Actually learned a lot from him.

Well I'm glad you're back and I'm glad you had fun too.
Now take it easy this week, hehe
Later :)