Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday... Yawn

Ate too big a lunch today. Now I feeling like sleeping and it's only 5:30. No dinner for me tonight else I might blow up, lol

Keystone: received two payments today.
STP was Instant but Ego had a little hiccup which needed Admin's help. It was paid fast though. Thanks!

Pnenow: expecting our first cycling tonight for the .5% earning. Then the same should happen on Friday. Then starting next week, M-W-F. Nice :)

ACX: tried to withdraw today from the Ad Pack side.
Got the "Limit Reached" message for both STP and EgoPay.
Went to their Live support to ask when it would be open?
They didn't know. Said they are waiting for a written update about it also. (sigh)

Later in the evening: my friend Gene got one to go through. (see his comment) although I'm still SOL.


gene said...

Ok, just put in for a wd in ACX and it went through. HS


blondie said...

Congrats Gene

Need more detail.

Sent you an email about it.


Anonymous said...

Hey Blondie!
I'm leaving for one of my little vacations on Friday but will be checking in to see if that new hyip you mentioned has started yet! :)


blondie said...

Long time no hear :)
Yeah I though it might have opened today but didn't get word.
I will be sure to post as soon as it's ready.
Enjoy your little vacation!